Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Exercise - 2

Architectural Solution
Edges, Internal and External Spaces

Duration: Weeks 5-7.

Begin exercise in Week 5 in Studio; submission and presentation in Week 7

Submission: week 7, individual submission.

Exercise 2 extends the discussion presented in Exercise 1 to the building itself:

Week 5 - Changing Scales: Vertical & Big

In class exercise 1:

Exploring possibilities: Bring to studio 3 examples of interesting/relevant examples of cross sections
+ details (from magazines, books, web, etc)
+ your ARCH 1261week 3 submission (if enrolled in that course)
+ one page statement (about 100 words) that explains/presents the rational of your selection.

Testing possibilities 1st attempt: Based on the selected examples draw 1:20 detail section through "an edge" which explores the themes of materiality and threshold. [similar to S1 parti]

[note: this is design drawing (rather than "construction") and could even include pasted images of people and samples of materials]

Assessing possibilities: Submission @ 3pm. Assessment 3-5pm, worth 5% of exercise 2.

Students who come to class unprepared (without example of c/sections, paper, etc, will receive 0 mark for this exercise)

Week 6 - Changing Scales: Vertical, Big and Small

Dissecting/digesting the brief: The students are asked to present in words and sketches and/or diagrams the specifics of the selected/considered important spaces and their qualities. Relate the brief’s programmatic requirements to some /or all of the five themes [reciprocity, materiality, threshold, insertion and infrastructure. for example identify relationships between the “feel” for a space and identified site qualities]

1:20 detail section through "an Edge" 2nd attempt

Redraw one of the above mentioned cross section in order to represent further development of some/or all of the five themes of reciprocity, materiality, threshold, insertion and infrastructure. The drawing ought to include relevant/interesting aspects of your programmatic brief + land formations, surrounding blds / the context.

Week 7 - 1st esquisse: Working Across Scales

Submission/presentation requirements:

1: 20 detail section through "an Edge" 3rd attempt.

The drawing has to include the top + the bottom i.e the roof structure
+ the grounds [this drawing could also be a reworked ARCH 1261 week 6 submission] and has to explicitly concern construction as well as thematic.

2 X 1:200 cross sections through the site and building (extend as far as you can) + Exercise 1 submission. [bring along]

Worth 10 % of Exercise 2

Exercise 2 worth 15 % of total studio mark

Review & Assessment Criteria - Submission Week 7

• Clarity of cross section [as a drawing that represent desired spatial qualities]. [as an analysis of possibilities not a generic textbook c/section]

• Ability to translate and articulate relationship between the themes + the desired spatial qualities + materiality [proposition]

• Clarity of architectural representation. [visual and verbal representation]

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Exercise 1 - Submission Format

15% of studio mark
Week 4, 18/08/0 Monday 1-4pm. In-class assessment.

Building, site, landscape
Submission: week 4; Group work, group/individual submission

Submission format: between architecture and landscape

All work is to be presented on A1 sheets. Maximum of 2A1 sheets [and not the equivalent of]

• Minimum of 5 drawings representing each concept of reciprocity, materiality, threshold, insertion and infrastructure.

• Site analysis: inclusive of traces [drawings developed from the existing/given maps], & mapping [interpretive work] identifying relevant aspects of the site

• physical model scale 1:200 + optional 1:500 of site plan, [physical models: White card]

• 3D conceptual model of site [physical or digital]
A design proposition which maintains/strengthens/enhances/harmonises or eradicates the various orders considered in your research. [individual student’s response to the site]

• Blog – inclusive of most relevant/best aspects of your week 4 submission work [the best of…]

Review & Assessment criteria: Submission Week 4

• Clarity of spatial analysis and interpretation of 5 themes. [analysis]

• Ability to translate and articulate relationship between the themes and the site. [proposition]

• Clarity of architectural representation. [visual and verbal representation]